The Atlanta Jewish community is regarded as a “powerhouse” when it comes to promoting and supporting Jewish overnight camp. In addition to having a robust network of Jewish overnight camps in our region — Camp Barney Medintz, Camp Ramah Darom, URJ Camp Coleman, Camp Judaea, and URJ Six Points Sports Academy — Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta is a national leader in raising funds to help send kids to camp. 

In 2024, Federation’s Jewish Camp Initiative:

✔ Awarded 386 first and second-year One Happy Camper incentive grants (One Happy Camper® is a incentive grant program of Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC), funded in partnership with Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta. 

✔ Raised $1.5 million for campers and their families 

✔ Is on target to raise $1.5M for 2025 

While our regional Jewish overnight camps offer wonderful choices for immersive Jewish summer experiences, Federation tuition assistance is not limited to the southeast. Kids who want to attend an overnight Jewish camp outside our region can also apply for financial support. In addition, Federation’s Camp Concierge provides free, personalized guidance to help you choose from among eligible Jewish camps around the country, including camps that specialize in things like arts, sports, sci/tech, and inclusion for special needs. 

Federation prioritizes financial assistance for Jewish camp because we understand that the fun and immersive nature of camp has a profound impact on the Jewish future, turning kids into kind, connected, and confident young people with a very high likelihood of Jewish engagement as they move through their teens, college, and adulthood. We know that the friendships, values, and skills kids learn at camp can last a lifetime.  

Leah Stinson, Manager of Federation’s Jewish Camp Initiative is herself a product of Jewish overnight camp. “I was a camper at Ramah Darom’s Gesher program and came back on staff when I was in college. Being at camp, surrounded by Jewish friends while participating in Jewish activities, shaped who I am today. Today, I absolutely love helping Atlanta Jewish kids get to Jewish Overnight camp, whether it’s helping them choose a camp that might be a good fit or help with the financial costs of camp. I have a unique perspective, as my children were past One Happy Camper first year incentive grants and scholarship recipients. I really connect with parents who are seeking support and I know how powerful the benefits are.”

Rabbi Elana Perry, Federation’s Director of Jewish Education, sends her daughter, Lilah Perry, age 14, to Camp Coleman. She says it is a special, magical place for her. “This is her 4th summer there, and throughout the school year she was counting down the days until she could return ‘home’ to camp. It’s a place that is joyfully Jewish, a place where she can express herself freely and grow as a person, and a place where she has built the kind of meaningful friendships that one can only find at camp,” said Rabbi Perry. “I love that she can be carefree (and screen-free), and that she can have so much FUN in a safe and loving environment, all while strengthening her sense of pride in being Jewish. As a parent, I’m so grateful for the gift of Jewish camp!” 

“Atlanta’s commitment to camping runs deep,” Leah Stinson says. “Our Jewish overnight camps are full this summer and we know they’ve helped kids bounce back from the isolation and loneliness of the pandemic.  I’m proud that Atlanta was the first in the nation to increase our One Happy Camper grants from $1,000 to $1,500. Federation has established Jewish camp as a Targeted Philanthropy so donors can direct their generosity there.”

If you’d like to make a gift to our Jewish Camp Initiative, click here