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Strategies to Maximize Deductions Through Untapped Assets with National Expert Bryan Clontz



Wednesday, June 23 | 8:30– 9:30 am | Virtual

How would you help a client who wants to donate a portion of an LLC, a REIT, a SPAC, or private equity interests to charity? How would a business owner create philanthropic capital from the sale of their business or a business asset? Non-cash assets such as real estate, closely held stock, and other illiquid assets are estimated to be a $40-$60 trillion market. Yet non-cash assets represent less than two percent of all charitable gifts. 

Having a thorough understanding of charitable planning techniques is critical when assisting clients with charitable giving and tax planning. Atlanta Jewish Foundation invites you to learn about the potential of non-cash assets with national expert Bryan Clontz, President and Founder of Charitable Solutions.  Bryan will cover how to maximize your or your clients’ deductions through untapped assets such as real estate, privately held C corporations, S corporations, LLCs, limited partnerships, cryptocurrency and other unique assets like SPACs and NFTs. This highly interactive session for business owners, professional advisors, and professionals in private equity and real estate, and others will employ case studies to illuminate concepts presented. 

Bryan has extensive experience in non-cash asset receipt and liquidation, gift annuity reinsurance brokerage, gift annuity risk management consulting, emergency assistance funds, cryptocurrency, and life insurance appraisals and audits. He will cover how to maximize your clients’ deductions through untapped assets such as:  

  • Real estate 
  • Privately held C corporations  
  • S corporations 
  • LLCs, limited partnerships  
  • Cryptocurrency, NFT’s, and other unique assets