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Now in its 13th summer, In The City Camps offer a Jewish day camp option that packs the best aspects of overnight camp into a fun and immersive day camp routine. CEO and founder, Eileen Snow Price has her finger on the pulse of the changing needs of Jewish kids and families. She has shaped In The City Camps to be a joyous refuge for children that reflect the kind of activities that kids want today and infused camp with Jewish values that promote connectiveness and B’tselem elohim,  the inherent value of every child.  

In The City Camps literally started in Eileen Price’s backyard! As a mom who loved overnight camp, Price adapted its best ideas — counselors who are role models, a bunk “feeling,” daily activity choices, color war, inclusivity, and independence. This year, In The City Camps will enroll 720 kids (ages 5 and up) and 160 staff this summer. It is one of the largest and most diverse Jewish camp options in the metro area and one of the largest employers of Jewish youth in Atlanta. There are five separate bus routes that bring kids to Atlanta Jewish Academy, where the camp is based. 

While 95% of campers are Jewish, you don’t have to be Jewish to feel you belong at In The City Camps. By design, the camp is open individual differences and needs. “We are a very comfortable place for kids who are on the spectrum, who are socially ‘outsiders,’ or not connected to the Jewish community,” Price says. “This year enrolled a lot of Israeli kids from families who came to Atlanta for respite after the October 7 attacks. “Camp has helped them assimilate and feel at home. Another version of being inclusive is that we recently enrolled a refugee child who came to us from a displaced persons camp in Africa. He spoke not a word of English, but now is fluent and thriving!” 

Every day at camp there are 20 adult-led activities. “Kids make their own schedules and decisions about what they want to do. It fosters autonomy and exposes kids to new skills and experiences. We’re always changing and evolving. We instituted wood working this summer and found it gave our kids a real sense of accomplishment. It’s now one of our most successful programs,” Price says. 

In The City Camps receives an annual allocation from Federation’s Partner’s Fund and deeply values the financial support. “To us it means partnering with the organization that is truly the backbone of Jewish Atlanta. We are thriving and growing as a result of their investment.” 

Your gift to The Partners Fund supports In The City Camps, and other Jewish day camp options in Atlanta.