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is a program dedicated to ensuring the future of our local Jewish organizations.

It reaffirms the importance of legacy giving at a time when we have been so reminded that you never know what the future will hold. Legacy commitments ensure that organizations that are providing impactful programs and services during both calm and turbulent times have the necessary resources to adapt.

In the first four years of this program, more than 500 donors have made legacy commitments that will support our Atlanta Jewish Community with more than $37.1M in future gifts.  Worldwide, the LIFE & LEGACY program has motivated more than 23,900 donors in 72 communities across North America to commit more than $1.3B to the Jewish future.


A legacy building program benefiting the entire Jewish community.

LIFE & LEGACY is a capacity building partnership program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation that provides training, support and monetary incentives to move organizations to secure meaningful after-lifetime legacy gifts. This program creates a strong partnership between the Atlanta Jewish Foundation and our local Jewish community agencies, synagogues and day schools. LIFE & LEGACY, participating organizations embark on a legacy building program benefiting the entire Jewish community. Worldwide, the LIFE & LEGACY program has motivated more than 17,000 donors in 63 communities across North America to commit more than a billion dollars in current and after-lifetime assets to the Jewish organizations which shaped their lives.

Participating organizations:

Ahavath Achim Synagogue, Alfred & Adele Davis Academy, Atlanta Jewish Academy, Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, Breman Museum, Camp Ramah Darom, Congregation Bet Haverim, Congregation Beth Shalom, Congregation B’nai Torah, Congregation Etz Chaim, Congregation Or Hadash, Congregation Shearith Israel, Epstein School, Jewish Family & Career Services, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Jewish Fertility Foundation, Jewish HomeLife, Jewish Interest Free Loans of Atlanta, Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta, Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta, Temple Emanu-El, Temple Kehillat Chaim, Temple Sinai, Torah Day School of Atlanta.

By signing a letter of intent now you can indicate the institutions that you want to be a part of your Jewish legacy, and we will help you to formalize your commitments. To learn more about how you can be part of securing Atlanta’s Jewish future, contact Rachel Rosner.

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