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Atlanta Community News

Atlanta Jewish Foundation is our Future

I grew up in Cincinnati in a family of wonderful role models. I came to Atlanta to attend law school at Emory and practiced until my second daughter was born. Yet I found over the years, that my community engagements were incredibly fulfilling replacements for my law career. 
The missions of these local nonprofits, and their impact on the community is profound.  That’s why I’m thrilled to be the new chair of the advisory board of Atlanta Jewish Foundation. I deeply believe that the Foundation is the future of our Federation and that growing its assets is the best way to strengthen the Jewish community.

The time is right because Atlanta is a place of tremendous generosity of heart. People here don’t just wear one hat, and they aren’t territorial. They move between organizations and share their leadership skills and bring new energy to their volunteer work. I also love how Atlanta invests in young leadership. I am a product of that leadership incubator, and now my daughters have become active stakeholders in our Jewish future. Their generation has inherited an extremely different world than what we grew up in. They have new solutions and ideas and are ripe for innovation. What a strength!

My goal is to help build AJF into one of the best community foundations in the Southeast. We are now retooling the foundation of the Foundation and building the brand as a strong, capable investment vehicle.  

I’d like to see more people open donor-advised funds (DAFs) and endowed funds. Your DAF is your philanthropic checkbook, no matter what your capacity to give. It’s also a great tax vehicle for people with highly appreciated assets who want tax advantages, and top tier customer service. As we grow, Atlanta Jewish Foundation will truly become an incubator for new ideas, and people looking for ways to make their giving mean more.