As you envision a bright future for the Atlanta Jewish community and the world at large, it’s reassuring to know that your philanthropic investments will be put to good use, where they are needed most, for years to come.
Your generosity with our expertise
By combining your generosity with our expertise, an unrestricted fund meets the needs of the community now, and it applies your gift where it can work hard in the future.
Nobody can predict the future, but our team will be there vetting proposals, making grants, and applying your funds as they arise. Your unrestricted fund will ensure that your generosity, and your name, will remain potent, relevant, and active, supporting causes, and solving challenges, for future generations.
Responding to unforeseen emergencies
In recent times, we learned that unrestricted funds are more important than ever. Unrestricted funds enable the Foundation to respond to unforeseen emergencies in the community such as the COVID-19 pandemic and enable the community to respond to the emergency quickly and nimbly.